The Best Women’s Workout Program for Building Muscle

If you’re a woman who wants to build muscle, finding the right workout program can be tricky. Most workout programs aren’t designed for you. Only around 3% of people are trying to gain weight, and most of them aren’t women.

Even if you search “female muscle gain,” you’re in such a small minority, and your goals are so diametrically opposed to the average woman’s that most of the workouts you find will be written for someone else.

For example, the most common exercise routines are yoga, aerobics, and other types of cardio, all of which are great for improving your health and fitness. However, they all tend to lead to weight loss. You can offset the weight loss by eating more food, but the workouts still won’t help you build muscle. At least not very much of it.

For another example, consider something like “toning,” which implies losing fat to reveal the muscle underneath. If you don’t have enough muscle underneath, those workouts won’t work. You need a bonafide muscle-building program.

If you’re trying to build muscle, gain weight, and get bigger, you might have trouble finding good workouts. That’s why we wrote this article.

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Illustration showing a weight gainer supplement.

Best Weight Gainer Supplements For Skinny Women

Weight gainers, also known as mass gainers, are high-calorie supplements designed to help naturally skinny women gain weight. They’re almost always made of protein powder, carb powder, and some flavouring to make them more palatable.

The idea is that by drinking all of these calories, you can gain weight more easily. Weight-gainer shakes aren’t as filling as real food, don’t need to be cooked, and can be chugged in a few seconds flat. No wonder they’re so popular.

But do they work? Should you use them? Are there any downsides or side effects? And what kind of results can you expect if you start taking them?

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Illustration of a skinny women doing goblet squats to build muscle.

A Woman’s Beginner Workout Plan For Muscle Gain

Looking for more curves, more muscle, and more strength—but confused about how to actually get started?

In this post, we’ll teach you how to start lifting weights and give you a full-body workout plan designed for females that you can do either at home or at a gym. If you pair this routine with a good muscle-building diet, you can start building muscle right now.

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Illustration of a skinny woman eating a muscle-building diet even though she's full and miserable.

How To Gain Weight For Skinny Females

In this guide, we’re going to talk about a muscle-building diet plan designed for naturally skinny women who are trying to gain weight. Make no mistake, this isn’t a weight-loss diet plan. It’s not even a diet for the average woman who wants to become leaner and stronger. This is a bulking diet for women, a diet that will help you gain weight. Lean weight from muscle, yes, but the scale will still move up.

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