
Best Vegan & Vegetarian Protein Sources

If you eat a proper plant-based diet, you can build muscle at full speed. You won’t be at any disadvantage at all. Plant-based diets, like vegan and vegetarian diets, tend to be high in nutritious starchy carbs, and starchy carbs are amazing for muscle growth. The thing is, you also need to make sure that you’re eating enough protein. And getting enough protein can be hard. So let’s go over the best plant-based protein sources and strategies.

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Benefits Of Lifting Weights For Females

If you’ve ever been curious about the benefits of lifting weights for women, and if it’ll help you reach you build muscle, burn fat, and become more attractive, then this is the article for you. We cover 3 main areas: attractiveness, health, and lifestyle.

There are exceptions, of course, women who are pregnant need to be careful with lifting. Always talk to your doctor first before beginning any workout or nutrition program.

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Is It Bad Being Skinny?

There’s this movement going on where people are trying to make it more socially acceptable to have a higher body fat percentage, proportionally thicker bones, shorter limbs and a larger waist. The photo above is a good example, where has taken 10 female video-game characters and transformed their physiques into what they feel better represents the average woman. These “realistic” makeovers have been shared to millions of people via BuzzFeed and HuffPo, among others.

Some people argue that these aren’t supposed to be average women. They’re supposed to be legendary action heroes. Due to their world-class genetics and lifestyle focused on training, you could argue that their having a lower body fat percentage is more realistic.

That makes sense, but that’s not my issue with these makeovers. I don’t think the person doing the makeover was concerned about what made sense for the fictional character but rather what would have the best impact on the self-esteem of her fans. That intention seems good, and if this can help people with bulimia feel better about their bodies, then this is great.

My issue is that this backlash against the thin ideal is making it seem like it’s wrong to be thin.

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