Glute Bridge vs Hip Thrust
Almost every woman we’ve worked with has wanted to improve their butt, and they can do that by doing some compound exercises that hit the glutes (squats, Romanian deadlifts, etc.). But for optimal muscle growth, they’ll also want to do some isolation exercises for the glutes.
So how does the glute bridge exercise compare to a hip thrust? Is one lift better than the other? Let’s take a look.
Read MoreSigns Of Gaining Muscle For Females
When you’re trying to gain muscle, it’s normal for a woman to wonder if what you’re doing in your workouts is actually working. It takes time, patience, and consistency to see muscle gain. So you won’t see results overnight. But on the other hand, continuing to do something that isn’t working, especially over many weeks, is a surefire way to waste time and kill your motivation. So what are some signs to tell if your muscle gain efforts are actually paying off or not?
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See how these women combined lifting weights, nutrition, and lifestyle changes to see amazing before-and-after transformations. Inside we’ll take a closer look at four women as they set goals, begin lifting weights and eating differently, and see their monthly progress updates.
Read MoreGlute Bridges For Women: Overview, How-To, & Workout
The glute bridge is one of the best isolation exercises for building a strong and muscular butt. Building up the butt muscles, such as the gluteus maximus, can help a woman improve her waist-to-hip ratio, help relieve back pain, and improve her athleticism. Let’s take a closer look.
Read MoreHow to Make a Bulking Smoothie (for Gaining Weight)
Looking to make a smoothie to help with gaining muscle? A homemade bulking smoothie is one of the best tools at your disposal. When you blend food into a liquid, you remove chewing. Without chewing, it’s a lot easier on your appetite, allowing you to reach your daily protein and calorie goals much more easily.
Let’s take a closer look.
Read MoreDumbbell Leg Workouts For Women
If you’re looking for a good leg workout designed for females using only dumbbells, you’re in the right place. Contrary to what most people might think, you can get in an amazing workout for your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves using only dumbbells. Let’s take a closer look.
Read MoreDeadlifts For Women: Overview, How-to, & Workout
The deadlift exercise is a core movement we’ll use all throughout our lives. Sink back into the hips to bend over and pick up a “dead” weight from the floor. It’s an amazing exercise for women looking for postural improvements, gaining muscle mass, and developing athleticism. Let’s take a closer look.
Read MoreFarmer Carry Exercise For Women: How-to, Tips, & Workout
The farmer carry is one of the oldest movements in history—pick up something heavy, and walk. We love programming it for our female clients because it can help with postural issues, hip stabilizers, and grip strength. Let’s take a closer look.
Read MoreBarbell Front Squat For Women: Overview, Proper Form, & Tips
The barbell front squat is one of our favourite squat variations for women. It’s a great choice because while it hits the quads and glutes, it’s also a full-body exercise that hits the anterior core, upper back, and shoulders as you stabilize the barbell on your shoulders. The BB front squat will help to develop not only an attractive female body but an athletic one too. Let’s take a closer look:
Read MoreDumbbell Romanian Deadlift For Women: Overview, Proper Form, & Tips
The Dumbbell Romanian deadlift is one of the best female lifts because it’s a compound lower-body exercise that targets your hamstrings and glutes while also training hip mobility, good posture, and balance. The end result is not only an attractive body but an athletic one too. Let’s take a closer look:
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